Exit session of MKO24 in the Kansk Orphanage named after Yu.A. Gagarin
Sept. 16, 2020 | Kansk Orphanage named after Y. A. Gagarin

On September 16, the team of the Small Space Odyssey project under the leadership of the author of the project, Hero of Russia, pilot-cosmonaut Alexander Lazutkin, visited the city of Kansk.

This was the first face-to-face meeting with the crew from the Kansk Orphanage. Yu.A. Gagarin in 2020.

The rich program of the visiting session of the Small Space Odyssey in Kansk included congratulations to the crew on reaching the final of the project, the traditional cosmological quiz and a speech by Alexander Lazutkin, rewarding the winners and their mentors, as well as informal communication during which it was possible to receive detailed feedback on the stages passed, to form a new crew and discuss plans for our next visit in November 2020.

The arrival of journalists and the opportunity to tell about MCO for a local TV channel was a pleasant surprise.

We want to thank the director of the Kansk Orphanage. Yu.A. Gagarin Andrey Sviridenko and all the staff for organizing this meeting, for active assistance in organizing the work of the children of the Orphanage on the project.


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